Friday, December 9, 2016

Finding Mary (Part 2)

09 DEC 2016
Prague, CZ

PART 2: Platform 2

Mathos slowly, and with some difficulty, climbed the stairs up to platform 2 from the underground tunnel that linked the platform entrances to the main station. There were four platforms in the old station, but platform 2 was his favorite. It was the international platform and all the trains coming from or going to Austria and Hungary stopped, if ever so briefly, at platform 2. 

Mathos walked about half the length of the platform and sat down on one the few benches that had been provided for the comfort of those waiting for trains. From there Mathos could look out over the entire train station and watch the slow but steady stream of passengers robotically shuffling through their daily commutes, seemingly oblivious to both him and the rest of the world around them. He found the robotic movements of the humans slightly hypnotizing, which allowed him to close down his awareness and silently slip into the warm, blood red water of his thoughts.

To the casual observer, suicide is often difficult to explain, however, the act itself is relatively straightforward, although, sometimes unpleasant. However, Mary’s suicide was a bit different from your standard suicide, of course, that was assuming there was such a thing as a standard suicide. It was different, if for no other reason than Kyle, Jan, and Mathos had all been with Mary when she died that night, now almost 35 years ago.

Despite Kyle's recent note about Mary's suicide, Mary had really died years before in the heat of the Mexican desert, in a small broken-down house, not far from the train tracks and just north of the dirt road that ran from Alamo Chapo to Highway 67. It was in that house, that Mary had been called to atone for Eve breaking her contract with God. It was in that house that God revealed that his hatred for women, even after generations, was still very much alive and far from resolved. Apparently, Eve's flirtations with the apple and the snake in the Garden of Eden, had mightily pissed-off the supreme being, and Mary just happened to be next innocent, unsuspecting recipient of his divine misogyny. What God had in mind for Mary went far, far beyond painful childbirth and a shitty husband. What God had in mind was for Mary, was for Mathos inconceivable, at least it was inconceivable until that night, when he found her, and saw what God had done.

The man said to God, "The woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."; Genesis 3:12
To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.”; Genesis 3:16

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